
Vetenskapliga publikationer

  • Hirsch, E.N., Andersson, M., Loberg, J. & Lidfors L.M. (2021) Development of existing scoring systems to assess behavioural coping in shelter cats, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 234.
  • Hirsch, E.N. (2016) Feline Stress – Methodological considerations for non-invasive assessment of cats housed in groups and singly. PhD thesis. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
  • Hirsch, E.N., Loberg, J. & Andersson, M. (2016) Further development of a behavioural protocol for the assessment of stress in cats. Proceedings of the 50th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology. Conference abstract.
  • Andersson, M., Hirsch, E.N., Nygren, M., Perchet, M., Loberg, J. and Lindqvist, C. (2016) Attitudes to free-roaming cats and to trap-neuter-return procedure in Sweden. Proceedings of the 50th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology. Conference abstract.
  • Hirsch EN, Geijer J, Loberg J, Lindqvist C, Serpell JA, Andersson M. (2015) Association of the behaviour of Swedish companion cats with husbandry and reported owner behaviours. Proceedings of the 49th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology. Conference abstract.
  • Hirsch, EN, Hybring-Sandberg, E., Loberg J and Andersson, M. (2014) Cortisol concentrations and infectious disease in Swedish shelter cats. Proceedings of the 48th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology. Conference abstract.
  • Hirsch, EN, Andersson, M and Loberg J (2014) Swedish cat shelters – a survey of husbandry practices, routines and management. Animal Welfare 23:411-421.
  • Hirsch, EN, Andersson, M and Loberg J. (2013) Welfare of shelter cats in Sweden – effects of husbandry practices and routines. Proceedings of the 47th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology. Conference abstract.

Övriga texter

Texter samt svar på läsarfrågor skrivna för Djurskyddet Sverige går att söka upp via hemsidan.

Texter skrivna för Bozita och Mjau kring katters beteende och behov.

SLUs vetenskapliga råd (2018) Yttrande från SLUs vetenskapliga råd för djurskydd om hållande av hund och katt, SLU ID: SLU.scaw.2018.2.6-12.

Hirsch, EN. 2013. Svenska katthem. En informationsbroschyr baserad på forskningsresultat.


Elin Hirsch, fil.dr. i etologi